Francis Bacon


The New Organon

Autore: Francis Bacon

172 Pagine|7h 10m

The New Atlantis

Autore: Francis Bacon

37 Pagine|1h 32m

The Complete Harvard Classics ALL 71 Volumes

Autori: Charles W. Eliot, HB Classics, Benjamin Franklin, John Woolman, William Penn, Plato, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Francis Bacon, John Milton, Thomas Browne, Robert Burns

40300 Pagine|1679h 10m

The Complete Harvard Classics 2021 Edition - ALL 71 Volumes

Autori: Charles W. Eliot, Benjamin Franklin, John Woolman, William Penn, Plato, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Francis Bacon, John Milton, Thomas Browne, Robert Burns, Masterpiece Everywhere

40300 Pagine|1679h 10m

The Ultimate Atlantis Collection (Six-Book Edition)

Autori: Plato, Francis Bacon, Ignatius Donnelly, C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne, William Scott-Elliot

846 Pagine|35h 15m

Novum Organum; Or, True Suggestions for the Interpretation of Nature

Autori: Francis Bacon, Joseph Devey

208 Pagine|8h 40m

The Advancement of Learning

Autori: Francis Bacon, Henry Morley

188 Pagine|7h 50m

The Essays: Counsels, Civil and Moral

Autore: Francis Bacon

182 Pagine|7h 35m

The Wisdom of the Ancients

Autore: Francis Bacon

106 Pagine|4h 25m

The New Atlantis

Autore: Francis Bacon

38 Pagine|1h 35m


Autore: Francis Bacon

197 Pagine|8h 12m

Novum Organum

Autore: Francis Bacon

211 Pagine|8h 47m

The Advancement of Learning

Autore: Francis Bacon

417 Pagine|17h 22m

The Complete Harvard Classics 2021 Edition - ALL 71 Volumes

Autori: Charles W. Eliot, Redhouse, Benjamin Franklin, John Woolman, William Penn, Plato, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Francis Bacon, John Milton, Thomas Browne, Robert Burns

40300 Pagine|1679h 10m

Harvard ClassicsHarvard Classics Volume 39

Autori: William Caxton, Golden Deer Classics, John Calvin, Nicolaus Copernicus, John Knox, Edmund Spenser, Walter Raleigh, Francis Bacon, Henrie Condell, Iohn Heminge, Isaac Newton, John Dryden, Henry Fielding, Samuel Johnson, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, William Wordsworth, Victor Hugo, Walt Whitman, Hippolyte Adolphe Taine

443 Pagine|18h 27m

Harvard ClassicsHarvard Classics Volume 40

Autori: Geoffrey Chaucer, Golden Deer Classics, Anonymous, Thomas Wyatt, Henry Howard, George Gascoigne, Edward Dyer, John Lyly, Thomas Lodge, George Peele, Robert Southwell, Samuel Daniel, Michael Drayton, Henry Constable, Edmund Spenser, William Habington, Christopher Marlowe, Richard Rowlands, Thomas Nashe, William Shakespeare, Robert Greene, Richard Barnfield, Thomas Campion, Robert Devereux, Henry Wotton, Edward de Vere, Ben Jonson, John Donne, Joshua Sylvester, William Alexander, Richard Corbet, Thomas Heywood, Thomas Dekker, Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher, John Webster, William Drummond, George Wither, William Browne, Robert Herrick, Francis Quarles, George Herbert, Henry Vaughan, Francis Bacon, James Shirley, Thomas Carew, John Suckling, William D'Avenant, Richard Lovelace, Edmund Waller, William Cartwright, James Graham, Richard Crashaw, Thomas Jordan, Abraham Cowley, Alexander Brome, Andrew Marvell, Earl of Rochester, Charles Sedley, John Dryden, Matthew Prior, Isaac Watts, Lady Grisel Baillie, Joseph Addison, Allan Ramsay, John Gay, Henry Carey, Alexander Pope, Ambrose Philips, Colley Cibber, James Thomson, Thomas Gray, George Bubb Dodington

1161 Pagine|48h 22m

Harvard ClassicsHarvard Classics Volume 3

Autori: John Milton, Sir Thomas Browne, Golden Deer Classics, Francis Bacon

393 Pagine|16h 22m

New Atlantis

Autore: Francis Bacon

36 Pagine|1h 30m

Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning, Divine and Human

Autore: Francis Bacon

172 Pagine|7h 10m

Novum Organum; Or, True Suggestions for the Interpretation of Nature

Autori: Francis Bacon, Joseph Devey

208 Pagine|8h 40m

The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral

Autore: Francis Bacon

122 Pagine|5h 5m

New Atlantis

Autore: Francis Bacon

36 Pagine|1h 30m

The Advancement of Learning

Autori: Francis Bacon, Henry Morley

188 Pagine|7h 50m